• 正在播放被遗忘的军队-阿扎迪·克丽耶第05集


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  • 被遗忘的军队-阿扎迪·克丽耶影评
  • 剧情介绍

  The story begins in 1996 when Colonel Sodhi, now 70, visits his sister and her family. Howev从零开始的异世界生活无修版er, even after over half a century, the nightmares of his intense battle and its aftermath often return to haunt him. Old Sodhi and young Amar begin to bond and Sodhi accompanies Amar to Burma (Myanmar) for an assignment from BBC to shoot a documentary on the students against the Military Junta for freedom and democracy. In Singapore, Sodhi visits the places which bring back the memories of him as a Lieutenant in the British Indian Army Lt. Sodhi meets a beautiful photographer Maya who inspires him to change. Sodhi falls in love with Maya who joins the Indian National Army. Old Sodhi lands in Burma with Amar, and is welcomed by an Indian girl Rani. They accidentally get caught in the student protest and firing by the Military Junta to suppress the student agitation. When the soldiers of the Military Junta get rough and violent with Amar and Rani, old Sodhi is suddenly transformed into the young Lt.Sodhi and kills the two Burmese soldiers to defend his group.Old Sodhi and his group's escape from the Burmese soldiers runs parallel to the attack by the British bombers on Lt.Sodhi's unit. In 1944, the Indian National 宋史txtArmy, tired, hungry, cold, feverish, sick had reached Imphal to defend it against all the odds piled heavily against them. In a school set up by Rani's grandmother, Old Sodhi finds the photograph of Maya and realizes that Maya has been dead. Old Sodhi, finally redeems himself by helping his young group safely cross over from Burma into India, and keep his promise to Maya that he would one day return to Burma to find her and be with her when his body is blown by the Burmese soldiers to ashes and glory.


  • 已完结女巫2020巴基斯坦莎瓦·吉拉尼,亚斯拉·里兹维,Nimra Bucha,迈哈尔·巴诺,Kashif Hussain,Meher Jaffri,Omair Rana,Adnan Malik,Eman Suleman,玛希拉·汗,Dimeji Ewuoso,Saania Saeed,Katy Slater
  • 已完结阿卡普高第二季欧赫尼奥·德尔维斯,Enrique Arrizon,拉斐尔·亚历杭德罗,达米安·阿尔卡扎,卡米拉·佩雷斯,考德·欧威尔斯特利特,巴内萨·宝切,拉斐尔·塞布里恩,凯莱布·富特,肯尼迪·利·斯洛克姆,Fernando Carsa,Lobo Elías,Regina Reynoso,Rodrigo Urquidi,Rossana De León
  • 完结名校风暴第五季克劳迪娅·萨拉斯,乔治娜·阿莫罗斯,卡拉·迪亚茨,玛蒂娜·卡里迪,马努·里奥斯,亚当·努鲁,伊坦森·艾斯卡米亚,奥马尔·阿尤索,迭戈·马丁,珀尔·格兰奇,卡里托·科塔,Valentina Zenere,André Lamoglia
  • 完结绝夜潜行齐凡克·塔里图格
  • 更新至08集德黑兰第二季妮芙·苏丹,格伦·克洛斯,毕扬·丹斯曼,Shervin Alenabi,Damon Zolfaghari
  • HD中字地中海卡梅丽雅·乔丹娜,Guillaume Néry


视频更新时间:2022-11-08 14:33
影片演员:Rajvir Chauhan,Rohit Choudhary,桑尼·考沙尔,Karanvir Malhotra,M·K·拉伊纳,Sharvari Wagh,Rajiv Ranjan,R. Badree
剧情介绍:内详导演执导的《被遗忘的军队-阿扎迪·克丽耶》,该影片在2020年大陆发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑,由Rajvir Chauhan,Rohit Choudhary,桑尼·考沙尔,Karanvir Malhotra,M·K·拉伊纳,Sharvari Wagh,Rajiv Ranjan,R. Badree 等主演的一部不错的电视剧。

  The story begins in 1996 when Colonel Sodhi, now 70, visits his sister and her family. Howev从零开始的异世界生活无修版er, even after over half a century, the nightmares of his intense battle and its aftermath often return to haunt him. Old Sodhi and young Amar begin to bond and Sodhi accompanies Amar to Burma (Myanmar) for an assignment from BBC to shoot a documentary on the students against the Military Junta for freedom and democracy. In Singapore, Sodhi visits the places which bring back the memories of him as a Lieutenant in the British Indian Army Lt. Sodhi meets a beautiful photographer Maya who inspires him to change. Sodhi falls in love with Maya who joins the Indian National Army. Old Sodhi lands in Burma with Amar, and is welcomed by an Indian girl Rani. They accidentally get caught in the student protest and firing by the Military Junta to suppress the student agitation. When the soldiers of the Military Junta get rough and violent with Amar and Rani, old Sodhi is suddenly transformed into the young Lt.Sodhi and kills the two Burmese soldiers to defend his group.Old Sodhi and his group's escape from the Burmese soldiers runs parallel to the attack by the British bombers on Lt.Sodhi's unit. In 1944, the Indian National 宋史txtArmy, tired, hungry, cold, feverish, sick had reached Imphal to defend it against all the odds piled heavily against them. In a school set up by Rani's grandmother, Old Sodhi finds the photograph of Maya and realizes that Maya has been dead. Old Sodhi, finally redeems himself by helping his young group safely cross over from Burma into India, and keep his promise to Maya that he would one day return to Burma to find her and be with her when his body is blown by the Burmese soldiers to ashes and glory.

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